Rose Photo Gallery

Examples of roses grown in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area




Displayed Alphabetically




Sorted by Type

Hybrid Tea


Sorted by Color

Red/Red Blend
Pink/Pink Blend
Predominantly White
Yellow/Yellow Blend
Mauve/Purple Blend
Apricot/Orange Blend




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Overview. Gallery photos consist of a sample rather than a complete list of roses which can be found growing in the Washington, DC area. Primary classification source was the Handbook for Selecting Roses (2004 Edition) published by the American Rose Society. For ease of use, photo file names also include one of the following codes: HT, Hybrid Tea; Fb, Floribunda; Gr, Grandiflora; Cl, Climber; Mn, Miniature; Sh, Shrub. Users should note that a variety of bloom cycles are depicted, thus not all would meet the criteria for exhibition stage quality. You may click on thumbnail photo in gallery for larger image.

Acknowledgements. Unless otherwise noted, photos were taken by Arlington Rose Foundation member Bob Dahms using either a Canon 35mm camera with Macro lens or Ricoh R7 digital camera. Special thanks to Bon Air Memorial Rose Garden caretakers at Arlington County Parks Division and private garden owners Randy Scott and Bob & Linda Knerr who maintain a majority of the blooms used in this display. Images may be used for non-commercial purposes with proper citation. For all other purposes, you may contact the photographer at


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